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The LUMI-O object store offers a total of 30 PB storage for storing, sharing, and staging of data.

In an object-based storage, data is managed as objects instead of being organized as files in a directory hierarchy.

Within your object storage project space, you can create buckets. These buckets will store objects with metadata associated with these objects.

  • Buckets: Containers used to store one or more objects. Object storage uses a flat structure with only one level which means that buckets cannot contain other buckets.
  • Objects: Any type of data. An object is stored in a bucket.
  • Metadata: Both buckets and objects have metadata specific to them. The metadata of a bucket specifies e.g., the access rights to the bucket. While traditional file systems have fixed metadata (filename, creation date, type, etc.), an object storage allows you to add custom metadata.

To use LUMI-O, you will need to generate authentication credentials, which you can then use with different tools to connect to LUMI-O.

Configuring the LUMI-O connection

Start by loading the lumio module which provides configuration and data transfer tools:

module load lumio

To configure a connection to LUMI-O, run the command:


This command asks you to connect with your browser to the LUMI-O credentials management service, create credentials there and the copy the project number and keys for the setup tool. The setup process will create configuration files for s3cmd and rclone.

For a step-by-step description, read the Creating LUMI-O credentials instructions.

Using the LUMI-O credentials management service, you can also generate configuration for different object storage clients like shell, boto3, rclone, s3cmd and aws. This is useful for using LUMI-O from somewhere else than LUMI, where the lumio-conf command is not available (The tool can be downloaded from the LUMI-O repository, but we only officially support the tool on LUMI)

Tools to transfer data

The lumio module provides some pre-installed tools to interact with LUMI-O: rclone, s3cmd and restic.

Please refer to the manuals of the respective tools for more detailed information.

The most common commands for s3cmd and rclone to

Action Command
List buckets rclone lsd lumi-o:
Create bucket mybuck rclone mkdir lumi-o:mybuck
List objects in bucket mybuck rclone ls lumi-o:mybuck/
Upload file file1 to bucket mybuck rclone copy file1 lumi-o:mybuck/
Download file file1 from bucket mybuck rclone copy lumi-o:mybuck/file1 .
Action Command
List buckets s3cmd ls s3:
Create bucket mybuck s3cmd mb s3://mybuck
List objects in bucket mybuck s3cmd ls --recursive s3://mybuck
Upload file file1 to bucket mybuck s3cmd put file1 s3://mybuck
Download file file1 from bucket mybuck s3cmd get s3://mybuck/file1 .


For rclone, the LUMI-O configuration provides two kinds of remote endpoints:

  • lumi-<project_number>-private: A private endpoint. The buckets and objects uploaded to this endpoint will not be publicly accessible.
  • lumi-<project_number>-public: A public endpoint. The buckets and objects uploaded to this endpoint will be publicly accessible using the URL:
    Be careful to not upload data that cannot be public to this endpoint.

The basic syntax of the rclone command is:

rclone <subcommand> <options> source:path dest:path 

The table below lists the most frequently used rclone subcommands:

rclone subcommand Description
copy Copy files from the source to the destination
sync Make the source and destination identical, modifying only the destination
move Move files from the source to the destination
delete Remove the contents of a path
mkdir Create the path if it does not already exist
rmdir Remove the path
check Check if the files in the source and destination match
ls List all objects in the path, including size and path
lsd List all directories/containers/buckets in the path
lsl List all objects in the path, including size, modification time and path
lsf List the objects using the virtual directory structure based on the object names

A more extensive list can be found on the Rclone manual pages or by typing the command rclone in LUMI.


The syntax of the s3cmd command:

s3cmd -options <command> parameters

The most commonly used s3cmd commands:

s3cmd command Function
mb Create a bucket
put Upload an object
ls List objects and buckets
get Download objects and buckets
cp Move object
del Remove objects or buckets
md5sum Get the checksum
info View metadata
signurl Create a temporary URL
put -P Make an object public
setacl --acl-grant Manage access rights

The table above lists only the most essential s3cmd commands. For more complete list, visit the s3cmd manual page or type:

s3cmd -h

If you need to make uploaded objects or buckets public you can add the -P, --acl-public flag to s3cmd put.


restic is a slightly different from rclone and s3cmd and is mainly used for doing backups.

Set up the restic repository

$ restic -r s3:<bucket> init

After this we can run commands like restic restore and restic backup. the -r flag with the correct bucket and the KEY environment variables are always needed when running restic commands.

For more information, see the Restic documentation

Raw HTTP request

The LUMI-O object storage can be used by issuing HTTP request.


We don't recommend using the HTTP API unless there is a specific need. The tools listed above are easier to use. This section only serve as a reference on how to provide the credentials to the HTTP API.

See Common error messages for explanations on some of the HTTP return codes.

The example below upload the file to the bucket my-nice-bucket using curl:

dateValue=`date -R`
signature=`echo -en ${stringToSign} | openssl sha1 -hmac ${s3Secret} -binary | base64`
curl -X PUT -T "${file}" \
     -H "Host:" \
     -H "Date: ${dateValue}" \
     -H "Content-Type: ${contentType}" \
     -H "Authorization: AWS ${s3Key}:${signature}" \${bucket}/${file}