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Moving data to/from LUMI

For moving data to/from LUMI, we recommend the use of the scp and rsync tools. See the data storage options page for an overview of where to store your data on LUMI.

Copying files with scp

Copying files between different UNIX-like systems can be done with the scp command. This command, which stands for Secure Copy Protocol, allows you to transfer files between a local host and a remote host or between two remote hosts. The basic syntax of the scp command is the following:

scp <origin-path> <destination-path>
scp <origin-path> [user@]host:<destination-path>
scp [user@]host:<origin-path> <destination-path>

where <origin-path> is the path to the file you want to copy to the destination defined by <destination-path>.

To copy a file from a local machine to LUMI, on the local machine run (with <username> replaced by your username):

scp /path/to/file <username>

and, correspondingly, to copy files from LUMI to a local machine, on the local machine run:

scp <username> /path/to/local/destination

You may use the -r switch to recursively copy an entire directory, e.g.

scp -r <username> /path/to/local/destination

Also, if scp does not automatically find your private SSH key, you need to specify it manually using the -i switch:

scp -i <path-to-private-key> <username> /path/to/local/destination

Copying files with rsync

The rsync tool, which stands for Remote Sync, is a remote and local file synchronization tool. It has the advantage of minimizing the amount of data copied by only copying files that have changed. The advantages over scp are

  • It allows for synchronization. scp always copies and transfers everything, while rsync will only copy and transfer files that have changed.
  • Better for the transfer of large files as rsync can save progress. If the transfer is interrupted it can be resumed from the point of interruption.

The basic syntax of the rsync command is the following:

rsync <options> <origin-path> <destination-path>
rsync <options> <origin-path> [user@]host:<destination-path>
rsync <options> [user@]host:<origin-path> <destination-path>

Below are some useful options to use with rsync:

  • archive mode with the -a or --archive option. This option tells rsync to syncs directories recursively, transfer special and block devices, preserve symbolic links, access permissions and time stamps
  • compresses the data with the -z or --compress option. With this option rsync will compress the data as it is sent to the destination machine.
  • to keep the partially transferred files, use the --partial option. It is useful when transferring large files over slow or unstable network connections.
  • if your goal is to achieve mirroring use the --delete option. When this option is used, rsync deletes extraneous files from the destination location.